Business Fields

Natural Gas

MVV Energie’s natural gas grid is regularly inspected and maintained

Natural Gas is a safe and clean energy source


Landmark of the town since over 125 years

Popular meeting point in town

Water tower by night

The inside of the water tower

Frontal view of Käfertal waterworks

Clean water well in Käfertal

Drinking water fountain in Käfertal

Rheinau waterworks

District Heating

The MVV Energie Group occupies fourth position in the German district heating market - after the large metropolitan cities of Berlin, Hamburg and Munich

High efficiency for Mannheim’s district heating

On the way to Heidelberg

District heating tank

1,500 Mg/h storage capacity

District heating is used in 60 percent of households in Mannheim

Energy-related Services

MVV Enamic is building on renewable energy

The service provider also generates heating energy from timber for the Berlin-based Federal Institute for Risk Assessment

Its customers also include ever more hospitals, such as AHG Klinik Hardberg in Breuberg

In Reken, Iglo has been relying on MVV Enamic for its energy and utility supply since 2001

Gersthofen industrial cogeneration plant generates electricity and steam from refuse-derived fuels

Korbach industrial cogeneration plant has been supplying the Continental AG plant on location with process heat since November 2008

Energy from waste

We generate electricity and heat from waste and biomass

Our combined heat and power facility in Leuna supplies the local chemical industry with process heat

Our biomass facility in Königs Wusterhausen

Renewable energies

Modern wind turbine at our wind farm in Freudenberg (Germany)

Our experts develop wind turbines

Our wind farm in Plauerhagen (Germany)

Substrate storage of a biomethane facility

Detail of Mannheim biomass power plant

Biomethane facility at Magdeburger Börde

Our biomass facility in Ridham Dock (Kent)


Sebastian Ackermann
Head of communications and brand