MVV Regioplan GmbH

Having studied industrial engineering at Karlsruhe University, during which time he also gained international experience in France and China, Daniel Jung joined MVV as a Junior Consultant in 2009. From 2011, he worked as an Asset Manager at the grid company MVV Netze, where he focused on developing and implementing investment and maintenance strategies.
From 2014, he was head of the “Grid Strategy and Concessions” department, where he was responsible for concession and municipal management at MVV Energie AG. At the same time, he was closely involved in developing the new “Smart Cities” business field. As part of MVV’s “Smart Cities” management team, he is working on combining digitalisation with urban development. Since 1 March 2021, he has been a member of the management at MVV Regioplan GmbH.

A graduate in engineering from the Technical University in Munich, Dr. Alexander Kuhn began his career working in landscape architecture and urban construction.
This was followed by the foundation of REGIOPLAN INGENIEURE GmbH in 1991. Alexander Kuhn has been responsible for the commercial and technical management of this company since its foundation. During this time, Alexander Kuhn continued his academic studies, studying for a doctorate in engineering sciences at the architecture faculty of the Technical University in Karlsruhe and graduating in 1998.
Alexander Kuhn has longstanding experience as an urban development planner and can point to numerous reference projects in the field of municipal development planning over more than two decades. He also gives lectures to specialist symposia and workshops.