22. Dezember 2011 | MVV

Plymouth City Council grants planning permission for Energy from waste plant

City Council approves of plans by MVV Umwelt - Commissioning planned for 2014

The Planning Committee of Plymouth City Council has today approved of the plans by MVV Umwelt to build an Energy from waste plant. The subsidiary company of Mannheim-based MVV Energie will realise the project in the south west of England during the next three years, investing €250 mio.

"This decision confirms our basic concept of a modern EfW plant to serve the Cities of Plymouth, Torbay, Teignmouth and the District of South Hams", said Dr. Georg Müller, CEO of MVV Energie. "The highly efficient power plant with combined heat and power offers the best solution in terms of economy and ecology for the local authorities, as they are on their way to sustainable waste management."

Building of the plant will start in Spring 2012. Once commissioned in 2014, the power plant will convert about 245,000 tonnes per year of residual household and C&I waste to usable energy. This very efficient and environmentally friendly process allows MVV to supply the adjacent naval yard with electricity and heat.


Dr. Thomas Renz
Team Leader Communications