Visits and Education

MVV are committed to engaging with local schools, colleges and the wider community to offer site tours and waste, energy and environmental workshops. These can be booked through our Community Liaison Manager by completing our online booking form  here . The Facility incorporates a purpose-built visitor centre and a roof garden. The woodland adjacent to the Facility is also accessible from site, allowing visitors to take part in nature trails and outdoor activities.

Primary and Secondary Schools
The core aim of our education programme is to improve attitudes and behaviours towards waste and resource management. Emphasis is placed on the waste hierarchy with Reducing waste being the most important, followed by Reuse and then Recycling (the three Rs). Over the last three years we have developed the offer to schools into a format that works well alongside the partner councils’ existing efforts to promote the waste hierarchy. One of the activities that has proved to be especially popular includes a video explaining how we divert non-recyclable waste from landfill and treat it as a resource instead.

We can also offer assemblies in schools as part of a school’s themed programme, such as Eco-Schools Awards. Annual events for Head Teachers and subject co-ordinators will be held at the Facility to showcase what is available to schools. Booking forms will be sent out in advance.

We welcome visits from schools. To find out more and arrange a visit, please use the contact details below:

Plymouth schools

Devon schools

Torbay schools

Other areas


Higher Education
Building on key waste management messages and principles, we aim to introduce the waste management industry as one that often needs high technology solutions requiring advanced technical and management skills and can offer a secure and interesting career path.

MVV will support up to five apprenticeships per year throughout the operational period of the Facility. We also offer work experience and placements to those wishing to pursue a career in the industry.

MVV are committed to becoming an integral part of the communities they serve by listening to concerns and providing general awareness-raising of the waste hierarchy and the solution provided by the Facility. Site tours can be arranged via our Community Liaison Manager.

In addition, the visitor centre is available for community groups to use for meetings and events where this does not conflict with other educational activities. Use of the visitor centre is free of charge to community groups.

Special Interest
For those with a more specialist interest in waste management and/or engineering, a technical overview of the process and capacity of the Facility in terms of energy generation and as a waste management solution can be delivered. Please contact our Community Liaison Manager for more information.

Online Booking

Our Office
Devonport EfW CHP Facility

Creek Road

+ 44 1752 393 150


Our Office

Waste Delivery Enquiries
Martyn Stapleton

+44 7866 190 497

General Enquiries
Karen Purdy

+44 1752 393 150

Our Office

Community Liaison Manager
Jade Beavan

+44 1752 393 156

or mobile:

+44  7818 518 027

Emergency number
Control Room

+44 1752 393 155