Our Kroppenstedt biomethane plant

Electricity and heat from renewable raw materials

Since 2014, we have been producing biomethane from energy crops, manure and dung at our biomethane plant in Kroppenstedt (Saxony-Anhalt). This substrate mix is fermented in the plant and biomethane is produced. We produce around 5.9 million cubic meters of biomethane per year from around 68,000 tons of substrate. If this gas is used in decentralised combined heat and power plants, electricity is generated for around 6,000 families. In addition, the heat generated is sufficient for the needs of around 1,200 families.

The raw materials come from farms within a maximum radius of 20 kilometres. This avoids unnecessary transport routes. This cooperation benefits farmers, who can dispose of their residues in an environmentally friendly manner and market arable crops safely in the long term.

Network with other biomethane plants
In our four biomethane plants in the Madgeburger Börde we recycle almost 250,000 tonnes of substrate per year - in addition to renewable raw materials such as maize silage, manure and chicken manure from animal husbandry are also used. After fermentation, the substrates used are completely reused on site in the plant as valuable natural fertilizer and thus replace artificial fertilizer. This closes the circle, because new energy crops for the production of biomethane grow with the help of these valuable nutrients. The result is a sustainable recycling economy that does not produce any waste products. The energy generated is CO2-neutral, so that our four plants save a total of around 80,000 tonnes of CO2 per year.


Koray Karaadak
Managing Director


David Rindt
Managing Director